Tahfizul Quran

Tahfizul Quran

The Islamic prophet, Muhammad, lived in the 7th century CE, in Arabia in a time when few people were literate. The huffaz were also highly appreciated as reciters, whose intoned words were accessible even to the illiterate. Memorization required no expensive materials; at the time there was no paper in the Muslim world, only vellum. Muslims believe that even after Caliph Uthman ibn Affan collected and organized the Quran circa 650–656 CE, recitation (from memory) of the Quran was still honored and encouraged. There are numerous traditions of recitation. Most huffaz know only one version, but some experts can recite in several traditions. However this does not change the meaning of the content.


Nazra (also pronounced Nadra) is a direct Quranic name for girls that means means “glow and happiness of the face”. It is used in the Quran in two places: So Allah will save them from the evil of that Day and has secured for them radiance and joyfulness (Quran 76:11)

Eligibity & Specification
  1. Adimissions are allowed only if children between 3 to 5 year
  2. Childrens are allowed from class Junior & Senior KG
  3. Childrens are allowed from near by locality only


Hafiz, literally meaning "guardian" or "memorizer", depending on the context, is a term used by Muslims for someone who has completely memorized the Quran.

Eligibity & Specification
  1. Children age must start between 6 to 12 year
  2. Hifz will start after 2 year of Nazra max, rest depend on child capacity


In Islam, Qira'at refers to variants in the recitation of the Quran. There are ten different recognised schools of qira'at, each one deriving its name from a noted Quran reciter or "reader". Each reciter recited to two narrators whose narrations are known as riwaya and named after its primary narrator.

Eligibity & Specification
  1. Adimissions are allowed only if children between - to - year

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