Astana Hazrat Pir Miran Ali-Vali Sarkar (R.A.)

There is a coastal region of Gujarat province in India, which has been prominent and outstanding in all times from ancient times, in historical documents, which is named as Khambhat(Cambay). In History this city was same developed as in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, Africa, etc. Khambhat(Cambay) was a naval center for a long time.

The Naval center(Logistic Hub) means that the Chief Officer of naval affairs coordinate from that area and who was the chief of naval center(Logistic Hub) was Shah Bandar or Amir al-Bahr and all the offices of naval affairs were in control of him and the rest of the ports were subordinate to him, and this Naval Center officer was appointed directly by the king. Chief of Naval Center would have appointed his deputy or ruler on his accompanied subordinate ports who would consider their duty to carry out its orders. (Summary of the cultural history of Gujarat p. 190).

In terms of Islamic history, the land of Khambhat(Cambay) is very valuable and enviable because the blessed group of the Companions Holy Prophet (pbuh) came here and were they buried here.The Holy Four Companions, known as Ansar Arba'ah, are buried here and till today Holy grave of them are still here.

It is the land of Khambhat(Cambay), where Qutb-ul-Aqtab Hazrat Sayyiduna Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar (R.A.) the master, where the Prophet (pbuh) fed nine morsels of rice to him and provide dressed him with heavenly clothes, and the place where the Prophet (pbuh) blessed such incidents with Zinda Shah Madar is known as Khawaja Khizr and that place still in Khambhat besides of Astana Sarkar Shahe Miran and near to Sea of Gulf of Khambhat(Cambay).

In the middle of the 6th century Hijri, two such great and brilliant personalities came to light on Spirituallity(Wilayat), whose immense grace and grace of Holy personalities made the inhabitants of the world to be attracted towards them with complete surprise. To whom in the world of Islam, those who are known and reckognised by Qutb e Rabbani, Mahbub e Ghos e Jilani, Mahboob ul Awliya, Nabiran e Ghauth e Azam, Sarkar Shah Miran, Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Ali and Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Wali, may Almighty Allah be pleased with them.

The ancient and historical city of Khambhat(Cambay) is certainly fortunate that the nobles of the province like Nabiran e Gauth e Azam Sarkar Shah Miran was visited with full glory, who have been benefited and inspired the whole world with their enlightenment and spirituality in eight centuries.

Sarkar Shah Miran Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Ali (Radiyallahu Taala Anhu)was born in the blessed year 558 AH according to 1166 AD in the ancient and famous city of Baghdad Sharif of Iraq in the Holy & Merciful House of Pir e Piran, Mir e Miran, Qutbul Aqtab,Fard al Afraad,Saiyed ul Saiyaad,Gauth ul Gauth, Mahbub e Subhani, Shehbaz e Lamaqani, Qandeel e Noorani, Haikal Al-Samdani, the Emperor of Baghdad, Huzoor Gauth e Azam, Muhyiddin Abu Muhammad Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA).

He is the beloved and cherished grandson of Sultan Al-Awlia Huzur Gauth-ul-Azam Dastgir (RA).His father is Hazrat Syedna Abul Fazl Muhammad (RA) and his mother is Walia Kamila Hazrat Syeda Bibi Sakina known as Amma Sahiba (RA).Historical facts show that Hazrat Gauth Azam Dastgir (RA) had a total of forty-nine (49) children So, Imam Dhahbi((may God bless him )and grant him peace)narrated by Hazrat Sayyiduna Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq((may God bless him )and grant him peace) that a total of 49 children were born to my father, including twenty-seven (27) sons and twenty-two (22) had daughters’(Sir Al-Iqal al-Nabalah 447/20 Fuat al-Ufiyat 374/2)

One of his 49 children is Hazrat Syedna Abul Fazl Muhammad (RA).Therefore, Ibn Najjar and Sahib Sharif al-Tawareikh and others have written about him in this way, that Hazrat Sayyidna Abul Fazl Muhammad (RA) is the son of Hazrat Gauth e Azam Dastgir (RA) and the completion of the external and internal sciences is the honor of his father.Various author had narrated that by the delivering messages and marvelous speeches of Abul Waqt / Shaykhs from which many people of society were satisfied Under the shadow of them and reached the level of perfection in that time with him which was quoted by various author of that time.

He died in 25/Ziqa'dah 600 AH and was buried in Halba Tomb Syed Bu Fazl Fazl Ahl Fazl Br Firdaus ast sal wasal o 600 AH Sad Chu az fazl khuda andr janan hum mhab matki kardm bayan 600AH (Sharif al-Tawarikh 716/1 Khazeena Al-Asafia 181/1 Hayat Javadani 112 Tazkirah Awliya Hind Wapak 339)

Kazim Ali bin Asghar Ali Bukhari, while mentioning regarding the sons of Gauth e Azam,and said ,, اما ابو الفضل محمد بن سید عبد القادر را سہ پسر بودند سید عبداللطیف و سید علی و سید ولی کہ مزار ایں ہردو در بندر کھمبات گجرات است،، (تبصرۃ المطالب قلمی نسخہ 25) However, Hazrat Abul Fazl Muhammad bin Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) had three sons: 1. Hazrat Syed Abdul Latif (RA) 2. Hazrat Pir Meeran Syed Ali (RA) 3 Hazrat Pir Meeran Syed Wali (RA) . Holy Shrines were located near Bandargah in the city of Khambhat(Cambay), Gujarat, In the shrine of Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Ali (RA) two of them namely Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Ali and Hazrat Pir Miran Syed Wali (RA) (Tabsurat al-Mutaleb manuscript 25).

By the way, all the children of Hazrat Gauth e Azam Dastgir (RA) were great and respected, but the fact that Hazrat Gauth e Azam's surname was Abu Muhammad showed the special kindness,and paternal compassion on Hazrat Sayyidna Abul Fazl Muhammad (RA) Can be applied more So the biographers have written, Huzoor Gauth e Azam Dastgir Radiyallahu Taala Anhu's surname is Abu Muhammad and his title It is Muhyiddin and Shaykh al-Islam,, (Sir al-An-Nabla 20/439 al-Badayyah wal-Nahayyah 12/252 Fuwaat al-Wafiyat 2/373 Shazrat al-Zhub 4/198).

When Sarkar Shah Meeran Hazrat Peer Meeran Syed Ali (Radiyallahu Taala Anhu)was born the atmosphere of the house so beautiful in the Holy house of Sultan Awliya Huzur Gauth e Azam Dastgir (Radiyallahu Taala Anhu)that it was found like Eid and Joy and happiness among all the family members. Such an environment has become as if The sky of Eid has closed entire house. Hazrat Peer Meeran Syed Ali were given good upbringing and excellent education and training in his childhood When he was just four years, four months and four days old, his father Hazrat Syedna Abul Fazl Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) performed the ritual of Bismillah Khwani.

The Holy Quran and early books were taught by his mother, Majda Walia Kamila Hazrat Sayeda Bibi Sakina known as Amma Sahiba (RA) And the teaching of others the art of Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh and Sufism by the great and famous scholars of that time and at the young age of only ten years, he became a master of science and arts, and by pledging allegiance to the right hand of his father, he crossed all the difficult levels of conduct and knowledge and became an Imam of Tariqat as well.

Therefore, in his short life, he became the Majma Al-Bahrain, became a source of growth and guidance, and gave comfort and guidance to hundreds of people who were thirsty for knowledge and seekers of the truth. And in order to further the emphasis knowledge and conduct to reach its destination to society along with Shaykh-ul-Shayukh Hazrat Syedna Abdul Wahab Shah(r.a.) (Holyt shrine is near the historic mosque of San-e Awal, the historic mosque still available in Panch Hatdi, Mohalla Khambhat(Cambay)).

In 568 AH, he arrived in the ancient and famous port of India, Bandar Khambhat(Cambay), and settled there and enlightened the hearts and minds of countless people with his spiritual rays. Gradually, your rays spread in the world in such a way that hundreds of caravans scattered in the corners of the world which sparkle the hearts of the countless people and were guided towards all direction and soon they were drawn towards Almighty Allah.And then their great attention gave them so much courage and strength that their steps crossed beyond the goal of the galaxy, that is, the dust of the lower world reached the highest peak.

For about 83/years Miran Sarkar have served the people and served the Islamic religion. He performed his duty so well and he said that the Faizan of his forefather Gauth Azam Dastgir (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) that he was did more than ordinary in his stubbornness. Later in 3 Jamidi ul Avval 641AH, he disappeared from our visible sight and meet to Almighty forever (Radiyallahu Taala Anhu).

For centuries, your abode has become a holy place of reference, where people from all creed,caste and withour racial diffrences come to worship Almighty and get benefitted from Sarkar Shahe Miran’s spiritual enhancement and fill their feet with gems.

Where Sarkar Shah Meeran's Astana is located, it is two kilometers away from the city of Khambhat(Cambay) to the west, a well-known and famous place, the center of spirituality, Ashraf Nagar, the blessed and noble region, which was known as Salman Park in ancient times.Countless people have benefited from you and achieved success and prosperity in this world and get benifitted hereafter too.

There have been many caliphs and disciples of Sarkar Shah Meeran through whom his grace has spread throughout the world.And God willing, this series will continue like this till the morning of Qiyaamah(Inshaallah) The first caliph and successor of Sarkar Shah Meeran is Hazrat Sayyidna Alauddin Ali (RA) who accompanied him from Baghdad in 633 AH on the occasion of Safar e Sani Khambhat(Cambay) and then settled here and continued to serve the office of Sarkar Shahe Miran as a Khilafah and Sajjadanashin for the rest of his life.

He reached the age of 95 years and during this time his entire fruitful blessings delivered to a large number of God's servants until he passed away from the world of mortals to the world of eternity on 27th of Muharram 713 AH. Due to his service to Sarkar Shahe Miran he was buried in the footstep of Sarkar Shahe Miran.The current Sajjada Nasheen of Sarkar Shah Miran is Mazhar e Karamat e Ghauth e Azam, Sheikh e Tariqat, Raees Millat, Abul Ayatham, Hazrat Allama Alhaj Al Shah Sayyed Rais Ashraf Ashrafi Al Jilani Mirani (Dame Zula Alina) who is fulfilling the position of Sajjadagi, as he deserves, and is busy in spreading the work of Islam and Sunnah.

Alhamdulillah, due to Faizan e Sarkar Shah e Miran and his efforts, countless religious and worldly knowledge and spiritual centers have been established in the world, among of which only City Khambhat(Cambay) is mentioned as under:

1 Masjid Auliya
2 Fatimah Al-Zahra Mosque
3 Khanqah Qadiriya Chishtiyya Ashrafiyyah Mirania
4 Jamia Faizan Ashraf Rais Ul Uloom
5 Mirani Dar al-Iftaa and al-Qada
6 Imam-e-Azam Islamic Research Center
7 Bibi Zainab Fatima Lil Banaat for Girls
8 Madrasa Ashrafiya Tahfeez Al-Qur'an
9 Madrasa Sarkar Shah Meeran
10 Shah Meeran Public School (English Medium)
11 Rais e Millat Digital Library
12 Shah Meeran Computer Centre
13Urdu and Arabic Diploma Centre
14 Shahe Miran Play Centre

May Allah accept your services with the honor and blessings of Almighty Allah and extend your shadow affection over all of us. Sarkar Shah Miran's mother(Walida- Majda) Mutaqiya Arifa, Walia Kamila, Hazrat Sayeda Bibi Sakina known as Amma Sahiba(may Allah be pleased with her) were buried here in Aastana Paak, younger brother Hazrat Pir Miran, Syed Wali (may Allah be pleased with him) also buried here.And the wives of both of Sarkar Shahe Miran Hazrat Sayyida Bibi Kausar Jahan(may Allah be pleased with her) and Hazrat Sayyida Bibi Zaheer Al-Nisa(may Allah be pleased with her) and two sisters, Hazrat Sayyida Bibi Zainab Fatima(may Allah be pleased with her) And Hazrat Sayyida Bibi Naseeb al-Nisa(may Allah be pleased with her)migrated from Baghdad with many relatives Sarkar Shah came to Khambhat(Cambay) and made this land his permanent abode. The blessed graves of all these souls of Qudsiya are present in the Astana Sharif’s Holy courtyard.

Like other saints of Islamic religion Sarkar Shah Meeran's Urs(Annual Ceremony) is sacred on a global scale every year on dated 3-4 Jamadi Al-Awwal is celebrated under the patronage of Sahib e Sajjada with great joy and entuaism. also hundreds of millions of pilgrims from india and all over the globe visit the Holy shrines of Sarkar Shahe Miran and enrich with rituals of spirituality and get mercy almighty Allah in the wasila of Sarkar Shahe Miran,also from Arab and foreign countries Scholars and Sheikhs of various nation with educational intellectuals get the privilege of participating in this ceremony and enrich with the blessings of Faizane Sarkar Shahe Miran.

Indeed, the court of Sarkar Shah Miran is so opulent that no one who visits it ever returns disappointed.Huzur Rais e Millat Damat Barakatham al-Alia says that Almighty Allah, the Most High, has given Sarkar Shah Miran such a high position that when a person intends to attend his shrine, then the Almighty Allah(Lord of the World) grants and fulfill his wishes at that time.

Huzur Rais e Millat further state that I have observed many times that the person who comes to the court of Sarkar Shah e Miran comes destitute and in a short time returns with full of prosperous divine blessings.

The salient feature of Darbar e Mirania is that supplications made there are accepted without delay and the results are immediate.

Anyone can come and experience,
“”Everyone is optimistic- Do not return until you find the defendant””....
Advertiser: Department of Broadcasting, Faizan University, Ashraf Raeesul Uloom, Ashraf Nagar, Khambhat(Cambay) Sharif, Dist:Anand, Gujarat, India

Shajra-E-Silsila-E-Nasab Hazrat Sarkar Shahe Miran Saiyed Ali wa Wali