Welcome to the way of Sufism
This website is dedicated to the spiritual benefits of Sarkar Shah-e-Miran Hazrat Pir Miran Saiyed Ali-Vali Sarkar (r.d.), Ashraf Nagar, Khambat Sharif, Gujarat India. These spiritual and worldly gifts are distributed from the hands of Hazrat Pir-e-Tariqat, Rais-e-Millat, Alama Al-Hajj Saiyad Rais Ashraf Ashrafi-ul-Jillani Sajjadanasheen Darbar Sharif Sarkar Shah-e-Miran (r.d.).
Jamiya Faizan-e-Ashraf Raisul Uloom
Shahe Miran School
Mission Statement
Our charity is continuously working towards the advancement of: